Wednesday, June 6, 2018

INGOT: Everything and at once from the world криптовалют

Comprehensive solution - the best
Today we will understand the components of the platform - they make it a unique tool for working with finances and other assets, connecting the familiar world and the world of crypto-currencies, as we said in the first part of the review. In total, the system consists of eight elements:

IC Liquidity Pool
IC Digital Bank
IC Brokerage
IC Exchange
IC Wallet
IC ICO Accelerator
IC Crypto Certifier
IC Community

Quite a long list, how for one platform, do not you think? So it is, but only an integrated approach can solve the problem that INGOT sets itself - to make crypto-currencies closer to direct use, and not just treat them as an object of speculation and earnings.

For example, due to the fact that INGOT is equipped with a purse and a bank, it can perform the full range of banking services: both storage and conversion inside the wallet. As we promised, we will consider the individual components today. But, you see, if we took and meticulously dismantled each item of the list, it would not be a magazine that you like to read. Therefore, we will go through the most interesting, in our opinion, and their integrated application. With the rest, you can get acquainted yourself.

Elements of one organism
With the list you have already read, now we have to highlight the most important. Well, let's start with a purse, despite the fact that such a tool seems to be quite normal, and then, we will gradually consider other functions.

Convert as Webmoney (only better)
And so, here you are registered as a user of the INGOT platform, and the first thing you need is money. Of course, because the financial platform without money is like an empty car body, which is used for other purposes. Your money, including both fiat and crypto currency, will be stored in the Wallet tab. In appearance, most likely, it will not be very different from other familiar purses, but it will have several additional functions.

For example, despite the fact that it is not an exchanger at all, inside your wallet you will be able to conduct any conversions for a low price, which will make INGOT a tool of choice, both for storage and for currency exchange and not only. How did it come about?

So we came to what opportunities the complex platform opens. If earlier, to exchange your Fiat, crypto-currencies, exchange-traded funds, precious metals and other, you needed an exchanger or broker-broker, now everything can be done by an intelligent INGOT system

As you already know, in the structure of the site there is a stock exchange - IC Exchange and a software broker - IC Brokerage. Being connected to your wallet, they can act as a kind of exchange office for a small price. At the moment when you want to exchange shares of the company, precious metals or fiat for crypto currency, AI will immediately find a suitable deal for you and conduct the necessary transaction.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that at the current moment there is exactly that proposal that is suitable for you. Then he is an intellect that can conduct a whole chain of transactions so that you get the result you need. At the same time, you do not pay a commission to a number of intermediaries, in the amount that corresponds to its vital needs, but only pay a small fee for using the site for bidding.

Become a crypto-currency master
Do you know how in the old days they became artisans? Young men came to the old master, who needed an assistant. Fulfilling the instructions of the master, the student gradually became a professional himself, and eventually he could replace his teacher.

The main advantage of such training is that it occurs in the immediate vicinity of the activity itself, and the learner immediately understands what he is told about when he sees the whole process with his own eyes every day.

Few people know, but a specialist in crypto-currencies is also a craft. Studying at IC Crypto Certifier, the INGOT training center, the student will be able to apply his knowledge in practice, remaining in the habitual ecosystem. Thus, knowledge is much faster to acquire the form of a useful skill, which in the future will bring profit.
It's a pity that it's time for us to finish. Pleases one - ahead of one more part of the review.

Official website:
White Pages: whitepaper
Social communication:

The author of the article:jesunbo1

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